The best in the world!
Travel writer Caroline Lupini has been jaunting about the world since 2011, and has now visited more than 110 countries. She recently spent time in Aotearoa New Zealand's sunny and blustery little capital, Wellington, taking in the sights and sampling the food & coffee culture. Caroline became a regular at our Petone coffee cart, popping in each day for a social cup of Hamodava. She enjoyed our finest fair trade beverages so much that we've been added to her Forbes travel guide of places to stay, eat and explore in Wellington.
We're rather chuffed to be noted alongside Hillside Kitchen, Liberty and stalwarts Logan Brown & Shed 5. Caroline exclaims.. and we see her as somewhat of an authority on the matter (given that they are a national food of her homeland the United States), that we have "the best peanut butter cups in the world!"
Ngā mihi nui Caroline!
You can read Carolines article here: https://www.forbes.com/advisor/credit-cards/travel-rewards/wellington-travel-guide/